This week we had the immense please of watching Haley perform as Wendy in the middle school performance of Peter Pan Jr. Last year was the first year she'd ever done any kind of acting, and it's been fun to watch her blossom with it. She worked so hard on her audition piece and was thrilled to land the part of Wendy. They've been rehearsing since January and it all came together so beautifully. The cast was incredible, the props were perfect, and the costumes were wonderful.
Wendy and Peter had quite a long conversation that was just the two of them - lots of lines to remember, and a challenge to keep it interesting for the audience. They did a great job.
The kids were a little disappointed to learn they wouldn't be using cables to "fly" during the show, but this turned out to be an effective alternative. Haley had quite a few bruises after they rehearsed this the first few times, but by opening night they had it down.
It's always more fun when your BFF's are in the musical as well! Z. was Mrs. Darling, and B. was a brave girl. E. (not pictured) was the crocodile. It will be painful for these sweet girls when they split up to different high schools next year.
Haley and C. have been friends since we moved into this house 7 years ago. C. was a wonderful Toodles in the musical!
The kids dressed up for school the days of the musical - fancy one day, and their cast shirts the next. Haley also got to keep her "kiss" necklace, which thrilled her.
Here's to many more opening nights in her future!