Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Haley's new teacher sent home a poem about how first graders are different from kindergartners in that they are no longer in between the baby years and school years; they are officially Big Kids. Haley was 4 months old when we moved here, and last week she started FIRST GRADE! She was a little bit nervous because the move to our new house last spring meant she had to change schools, but she has adjusted very quickly, has a great teacher, and has made a lot of new friends already. Haley has accomplished so many things in the past few months that fully qualify her for Big Kid status:

The kids both got new bikes at the beginning of the summer, and although we kept meaning to take the training wheels off of Haley's, we just never got around to it. A few weeks ago she decided she was ready to give it a try so Rob took them off while I was on a walk with Jake and Alex. On my way home through the park I saw them riding toward me and I didn't realize at first that her training wheels were off. She was riding like a pro from the first and hasn't looked back since. I was so amazed! This video was taken the night we took her training wheels off:

The morning after her training wheels came off, Haley said, "Hey Mom, watch me tie my shoes!" And she proceeded to tie perfect bows on her tennis shoes. Once again I was amazed. I much prefer velcro to laces when we're not in snow boot or flip-flop season and we hadn't pushed that skill on her very much. But Rob had reminded her how to do it and she picked it up right away this time. I'm sure many school teachers are happy when kids conquer this milestone!

Haley has always liked baby dolls and princess dolls and Polly Pockets, but she has recently become obsessed with the American Girl Doll collection. I gave her my Samantha doll from when I was little and she's had fun shopping for her when we go to Chicago or Minneapolis. But until recently I'd always recycled the catalogs that came from them without her notice. Not any longer...she pages through them over and over, reading the descriptions of each item, and making and re-making lists of her favorite items. Chrissa's birthday picnic table or Chrissa's craft table? Rebecca's bed or Kit's? Molly's Christmas dress or Felicity's Tea Lesson gown? The possibilities are endless and agonizing and wonderful, especially to a 6-year-old.

Anyone who has glanced through an American Girl Doll catalog lately knows it's not an inexpensive collection. As much as we'd love to provide our darling daughter with everything she desires, it's just not feasible nor do we think it would be good for her. So we decided she could start earning an allowance by helping out with more chores, and she could save up for those pricey doll items. So far so good...

Lastly, I'm remembering when Haley was tiny and so reluctant to try anything new or exciting (she was terrified of most of the rides at Disneyland at 2 1/2). So I'm still sort of incredulous at what a bold little monkey she's become. This girl will climb ANYTHING. We've had a long-standing rule that she's only allowed to climb as high as she's comfortable getting down from herself, and I don't remember the last time she got stuck somewhere. She scales walls, fences, ropes, swing sets, lamp posts, basketball hoops...often before I notice and run over to scold her for climbing without a spotter. We recently went over to the local climbing wall and I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time there this winter. The video below is of one of her favorite climbing feats.

We love you, our Big Kid Haley, and hope you will always continue to astonish us, work hard, and keep climbing for the stars.

Above: Haley on the porch on the first day of school; taking a flying leap at the park. Below: Haley at gymnastics this summer.