Sunday, December 28, 2008

More About Baby

For those who are just dying with curiosity (namely, the grandmas-to-be), here are some more details about Baby 3.

The baby is due around July 22nd. I haven't had my first doctor's appointment yet, so the date is not official. I'm about 11 weeks along right now and the baby is the size of a "large lime".

I've been pretty lucky morning-sickness wise. It kicked in right before Thanksgiving, but was only really bad for a few weeks. I'm fortunate to not get super-sick, I just feel nauseous a lot and can't stand the thought of many foods (especially onions and the entire food court at the mall). Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have my energy and appetite back.

Whenever I ask Jake where the baby is, he replies, "I'm right here!" I'm predicting major sibling rivalry this time around.

Haley is fascinated with the details of the baby's growth (may I say, ahem, even more than Rob is...?). She loves to get out the Your Pregnancy Week by Week book each Sunday and look at the pictures to see how big it's gotten. We've gone from "Ew, it looks gross" to "Wow! Look how big it is!" It's fun to have her old enough to understand what's really going on (well, mostly).

Jake thinks it's a boy, Haley hopes it's a girl. Big surprise.

Thanks, everyone, for your congratulations and good wishes!