Monday, May 22, 2006

The One-Armed Wonder

If I were a superhero, that would have to be my name - that or The Magnificent Multitasker. Since Jake was born I've become exceptionally proficient at doing things with one arm (yes, I'm grateful that I actually have 2): cooking, washing dishes, making beds, vacuuming, even ironing. I'm still working on sweeping and typing, but I might get there since Jake's favorite position is on my shoulder at just the right height to gnaw on his fist. What makes it even more insane is that I'm usually carrying on some kind of debate with Haley about wearing shoes outside or how much floss is an appropriate amount for a 3-year-old.
We decided that if you could extrapolate from her current behavior, we would guess that when she grows up Haley will be a lawyer, a hostage negotiator, or a flight attendant. She's very persistent and logical when trying to convince us of something, will always try to negotiate for less vegetables and more bedtime stories, and sounds like a Stepford Wife when talking to Jake (see previous post). Sometimes she just seems too grown-up for a 3-year-old. Like the other day when she spilled her dry cereal on the kitchen floor and I asked her to clean it up. A few minutes later I heard her with the DustBuster and she was in there sucking it all up. Or the other night when Rob and I were busy doing something terribly important like watching Desperate Housewives and we heard her go into the bathroom, brush her teeth, and dry her own hair (this is the girl who refuses to potty train). She also regularly cracks us up with things she says. Some of the more recent ones:

-While driving in the car: "Oops! Can you hold this for a sec? Cause I just made a big mess."
-While getting tickled: "Look at all the fun in my eyes!"
-Getting tucked into bed: "I hope you have awful dreams. Wait, is that right? Oh, awfully sweet dreams."
-During a debate about the benefits of eating carrots: "Well, I have a flashlight so I don't need to eat those carrots."
-Out of the blue while we were shopping at Target: "Maybe baby sister really isn't in my tummy. Because Jake came out of yours and I haven't been to the doctor in a I guess she wasn't really in there."

Did we mention she's a prodigy? Haley loves letters - here she's practicing writing "Happy Mother's Day". Yeah, yeah, we know pride's a sin...