Monday, November 14, 2011

Most Romantic Date Ever

We are expecting quite a few house guests for Thanksgiving (hurray!), which means we've been busy doing all the little chores and fixes that have piled up over time.  One thing on our list was to replace the older toilet in the main bathroom off the kitchen.  Whoever decided to put hardwood floors in a laundry room/bathroom clearly didn't ever have toddlers who liked to stuff half a roll of toilet paper down the toilet.  We do. 

We've had more than one "flooding incident" and unfortunately our floors are paying the price.  Rather than replace all the floors, we decided to preempt further flooding by getting one of those toilets that claims to flush it ALL.  We'll see if it can stand up to Alex....he of course had to give it a try before it was installed. 

Because we wanted to take our time shopping and compare all the choices, we hired a babysitter last Friday night and went on a date.  We enjoyed some teryaki for dinner and then went to the hardware buy a toilet.  After making our choice we headed to the checkout and ran into some friends.  Turns out they were on a date too...AND - I'm not kidding - they were buying a new toilet.  I guess that is THE thing to do in our town on Friday nights! 

*Follow up post: it flushes like a dream.  Feel free to come give a try any time.  :)