Sunday, October 07, 2007

It's Autumn Time


Freeze-up is sneaking up on us, so I've been trying to take advantage of every nice day we have. Which fortunately has been quite often. Autumn doesn't last long here, so many of the leaves have gone from green to gold/brown to gone (on our lawn, that is) in the last few weeks.

The kids love to rake and sweep, as long as they can jump and crunch in the piles when they're done. And we're waiting with baited breath for the big leaf-vacuum truck to come by - it makes 2 passes around town each year vacuuming up leaves that residents have piled next to the street. Who knew such a truck could be so exciting!?!

We love to walk or ride our bikes to the nearby playgrounds. Sometimes Rob meets us there on his way home from work - he always gets a big welcome from the kids. Haley is getting so good at doing the monkey bars!