At 5 years old, Jake still surprises us daily with what he says and does. He wakes up - bright and early - and is raring to go from the minute he opens his eyes. After a few minutes of snuggling with us he literally bounces out of bed and greets each day with energy and enthusiasm (Rob and I are alternately impressed, envious, and annoyed at this). He is creative, funny, sweet, helpful, feisty, and incredibly good at math for a preschooler. Jake L-O-V-E-S Legos and will disappear into his room with a new set, emerging an hour or two later with it all built perfectly. He still loves Transformers and any super heroes, as well as Star Wars and Indiana Jones (from playing the Lego Wii games of those movies) and will engage in battle with pretty much anyone anywhere. He and Haley are best friends and love to play together, and he's a great big brother to Alex, putting up with Alex's teasing and curiosity. We are so lucky to have him as part of our family and life would sure be boring without him around. Happy Birthday, Jakey!
One morning while driving Jake to preschool I looked back
and saw them like this - so sweet!