We're a family of five riding out the northern prairie winters - FIFTEEN down! How many to go...?
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Fargo Mini Half Marathon
One sunny and unseasonably hot (90 degrees) Saturday in October, we headed down to Fargo for another half marathon. I had trained for months and was hoping to improve my time by quite a bit - shaving a full minute and a half per mile off my previous time. Unfortunately two days before the race I came down with a flu and spent my race-prep time downing tons of vitamin C and hoping my fever would go away.
By race morning I was feeling better, if not quite 100%, and headed to the starting line. The first 9 miles went great - I was right on pace & feeling strong, and got a good boost seeing Rob and the kids along the course. And then I BONKED. I felt like I was still on pace, but every time I looked at my watch I was going slower and slower. Pretty soon my body gave up and my head followed shortly thereafter. If someone had offered to give me a ride to the finish line I would have taken it - I was too tired care any more! All my reserves built up by weeks of training had been wiped out by the illness. So I walked the remaining 4 miles to the finish line and finished with almost the same time as my first half-marathon. I did finish, and I will be beating my time someday...as soon as I stock up on hand sanitizer.
The BEST part of the day, and the whole reason I signed up for this race to begin with, was that my friend Amy ran it (her first half-marathon), and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. WAY TO GO AMY!!!