This past weekend we participated in our church camp out at Turtle River State Park. I was not too excited about the idea, but Haley and Jake were
thrilled to get to go camping again. For me, camping plus a just-walking toddler equals a lot of work, mess, and headache.
However I was pleasantly surprised, and the weekend was a big success. The kids played happily with friends while we helped with dinner and Rob set up his gear for the evening's musical program - a touching re-telling of the Mormon pioneers' journey to Salt Lake. Afterward we enjoyed s'mores around the fire with friends; the kids could make s'mores every night of the summer and not get tired of them. It turned out to be a memorable and enjoyable trip that I hope we get to repeat every year.
Haley and friends in pioneer costume.
Jake watches one of the dozens of frogs we caught - oh, the delight those little frogs cause!
Poor Alex spent a lot of the time buckled into his stroller, but there was lots to see and explore from there, thanks to kids giving him "rides" around the campground.