Sunday, January 18, 2009


Jake decided last week that he was done with soggy Pull-Ups, and he took it upon himself to start using the toilet all the time. I've known for a while that he was probably ready to potty-train, but didn't have the energy to follow through with the whole process. Apparently Jake didn't want to wait for me to get my second-trimester energy burst, and one day he stayed dry the whole day. Wow, were we surprised.
The next morning while at Target I picked up some Reese's Pieces and small items for prizes - this method worked well for Haley as well. Every time they go in the toilet, they get one piece of candy (for the first few days only!); if they stay dry all day they get to pick out a prize. Jake has had a total of ONE accident since then, even with naps. He's even stayed dry at night several times without us saying a word...this kid never ceases to amaze us. Great job, Jakey!
Never under-estimate the power of fun underwear for 2-year-olds. Jake models his Thomas the Tank Engine "big-boy underpants." Now that's a potty train!