Sunday, February 05, 2006

I wonder if they serve posted eggs at Monster Feeb

Almost every night Rob and I fall asleep comparing the cute things Haley said that day. Sometimes they're just mispronunciations ("posted eggs" instead of poached eggs), others are on purpose. She likes to change out syllables and make up new words - Red Lobster becomes Monster Feeb, and it's so nonsensical and charming at the same time that we always end up in stitches. I'm sure at some point "Genard's" will self-correct to "Menard's" and "keevees" will become "kiwis", but for now we won't try too hard to correct her.

The highlight of our week was an unexpected visit from our friends April, Dave, and Morgan. Haley was so excited to find out they were coming that she was literally bouncing off the walls. Having not seen them since June, Haley said Morgan looked "different" and we had to explain that she had been growing and getting bigger too. The girls had so much fun playing together and were especially excited to get tucked into their beds for their first slumber party (although both wound up in their parents' beds). We can't wait to see them again this summer and introduce Haley's baby brother to Morgan's baby sister.